Tuesday, January 26, 2010


It was great to see Stuart and Cherie again on our way home. They came and stayed the night and then we had a lovely time together until they needed to leave us to go work after lunch. It was cold but pleasant to walk around. The sun came out, which doesn't always happen. Cherie said she was really looking forward to the Spring.

Cherie is wearing the scarf and hat I made! I was very chuffed.

We had to take care walking. There were plenty of ice patches to slip on, if we weren't paying close attention.

Outside their apartment in Guri. They were stay there one more night before moving across the city.

A rare experience... sun shining on us. We had coffee at a pleasant, roomy cafe and later on we had a "shabu shabu" lunch. Delicious!

We are now back home in Canberra . We had a wonderful trip away. We've been to some amazing places like Seoul , Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Berlin, Madrid, Toledo, Granada, Seville, Valencia, Barcelona and Paris. How fortunate are we to have been able to have this experience?

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