Sunday, January 3, 2010

Frankfurt- Sunday 4th January

We had a good flight from Seoul. It was wonderful to spend time with Stuart and Cherie. They showed us where they will be living from February. Very good part of town. Cherie cooked for us and we also had a great lunch with her family at a Western style restaurant, complete with chairs!
Our hotel in Frankfurt is lovely. We may venture out later, but will enjoy doing a little less today that what we've been doing in Seoul. The snow seems to have stopped for now. We thought it was warm when we arrived in Frankfurt. No snow at the airport and we walked from the train station with only a second jacket and no gloves etc. Seoul was much colder.
Will send more soon. Off to Stuttgart tomorrow morning. Sandra ( Rick's uni work colleague) will meet us.
We had a great long sleep last night, in very comfortable beds pushed together with separate doonas, so we are feeling fine.

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