December 16 : I am feeling really well this week. Almost all discomfort from the operation has gone. The past week has been filled with end of year and Christmas celebrations with school staff and with the church community. Also I have spent hours on the computer , booking flights and hotels for our trip. This activity can keep one occupied for days!
Almost everything is booked now.
It's very exciting! We are travelling first to Seoul, to see Stuart and Cherie. After 4 days in Seoul, we are off to Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Berlin. Followed by a 9-day organised tour of Spain , starting in Madrid and ending in Barcelona. After that tour, we spend two days in Paris, before returning home via Seoul for one night.
Can't believe we are going! We need to pack very warm clothes!
We left it till now to book , as things were so uncertain for me, in the past couple of months.
Lots to do, leading up to Christmas. The days go very quickly.