Sunday, February 24, 2013

Phoebe and eye update

This afternoon we had a lovely visit from Phoebe and her sister Lois and her mum and dad.

It was a showery afternoon and in a fine spot Grandad took Lois outside and climbed up to check the rain gutters.

 Cherie just put a few pics of Phoebe on facebook and I just copied them here. Phoebe is now nearly six weeks old and is very cute as you can see. I think she may have been visiting a friend with  her mummy and she is all wrapped up in Cherie's cardigan.

The photo below was taken in our sun room about a week ago.

My eye continues to improve after the cataract surgery. I can see very clearly and evenly now for distance and only a little help is needed for reading. I will get back to driving this coming week. Still putting all the drops in to keep the eye from getting red and itchy and have my check-up this coming Wednesday. Then back to being on-call for school.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cataract surgery update

Glad to say that the cataract surgery went well yesterday and now I can see clearly with my left eye once more. Amazing the difference .... from a thick white cloud to a clear picture.
Dr Martin Duncan was pleased with the operation and how the eye looked at the check up this morning and commented that the cataract grew very quickly indeed. I knew it was much  worse than when I saw him in December, as I needed my reading glasses on all the time and couldn't drive in the last week or so. The lens was completely and evenly covered, I think, as I couldn't see anything at all out of my left eye.
In the op, Dr Duncan said to the nurse that the cataract was " fluffy, white and soft". He also said that he wouldn't leave the next one this long!  This seemed to be a bit unusual.
This morning the doctor told me that I wouldn't need anything done on the other eye as it has very good vision. I might not need the other eye done for a year or even longer, but he can't predict.
It's a nice relief to have it over. Now I just have to be diligent with all the three lots of drops I need to use for the next few weeks. Must take it easy this week It seems very bright all around me as the eye hasn't settled back to normal as yet.
We sadly have to miss the annual church camp this coming weekend. Too many risks from sand, wind, camping, rough terrain etc for my lovely  "new eye".

Monday, February 18, 2013

Cataract surgery

Today is the day I will have cataract surgery on my left eye. It will be great to see clearly again with that eye. For the past week I haven't driven the car as I wasn't confident to see clearly on the left side. Catching buses worked out OK. It felt like I was a tourist in a foreign capital city.
I have just had lunch (at 10:30am) as from now on I can't eat or drink. Must be there by 1:45pm. Barbara is taking me and Rick will pick me up after the procedure.
My prayers are with my friend Paul and also with Jeni's mum today. Their surgeries are much more serious than mine!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Good test results

Got the all clear today from yet another mammogram. This marks three years post breast cancer.

Life goes on!  I am very grateful.

The next challenge is a cataract operation in two weeks ( Feb18).  I have a fast growing cataract on my left eye, which was discovered in December 2012. While I am not looking forward to having the operation itself, I am looking forward to seeing things again! The blurriness has become very noticeable in the last couple of weeks. Fortunately my right eye has very good vision at the moment.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Dad's 85th Birthday at Lugarno

Sylvia and I arrived in Sydney last Wednesday afternoon (Jan 30), to spend a couple of days with Mum and Dad ahead of Dad's 85th birthday, on Friday 1st February.
We all went "new kitchen" shopping on Thursday and on Friday we had lunch and dinner at home with Dad. He received many cards and enjoyed all the birthday wishes. Richard and Bruce and the other Sydney couples came for a special lunch on Saturday, which Sylvia organised. It was a great get together and Dad was well enough to enjoy the time. He had been feeling quite well all week!
Bruce took some really nice shots on the day. The first four shots below are his.

Quite a cool February day, after so much heat  this Summer.

We all enjoyed the delicious lunch that Sylvia made.

Dad had a good day.