Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Phoebe is one week old

Phoebe is going well and Cherie needs to rest. She thinks she overdid it by having a little outing, with Stuart and Phoebe, to the shops on Monday.
I have been minding Lois for a few hours on most days. She is lovely to have around. Granddad likes to see her when he comes home from work. Sadly, Lois burnt her leg in the pattern of a large metal plate/cover that she feel onto, near their apartment. It was a very hot day and the metal acted like a branding iron! I was waiting with her outside, so I felt very bad! Happily it is healing nicely.
Last night Cameron and I took Lois home and we had a chance to hold Phoebe with Lois looking on.
Phoebe Ruth is one week old....

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Phoebe is 5 days old

Things are going well for Cherie and baby Phoebe.  Lois is slowly working out that she has a little sister. She doesn't much like when mummy is busy feeding Phoebe, but she is adjusting. it has been a bit hard for her. Stuart has three weeks off work to help. His job is mainly to keep Lois occupied along with helping with everyday stuff.
We have minded Lois a few more times since the baby arrived home. I may do that this coming week too. This gives Stuart a break to help Cherie and hopefully for Cherie to rest a bit. Feeding routine is busy in those first days!
Today Bruce and Sylvia visited while we were there and took some lovely pictures.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Baby Phoebe Ruth arrives!

On Tuesday 15th January at 1:38pm , a little girl came into the world. Her name is Phoebe Ruth Lamont. She is the second daughter of Stuart and Cherie, and our second granddaughter! Both Lois and Phoebe are Greek biblical names. Phoebe's middle name is a family name.... named after her great grandmother.... Eunice Ruth. Very special for us. I quickly took some not so great photos when Phoebe was very new. Hoping to have some better ones soon.

Phoebe Ruth was 3290g or 7lb4oz and 49 cms long. Both Cherie and Phoebe are doing well. They are home now after about 36hours in the hospital.
We minded 20 month old Lois for two days, including one stay overnight. She was really good for us. Now the family is home altogether. Stuart has three weeks holiday which is great for them.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year !

Happy New Year to all. We hope that 2013 will be a good year with health with plenty of fun and new experiences to enjoy.
We look back on 2012 and are thankful for many things.