Saturday, August 27, 2011

Where has August gone?

We have been thoroughly enjoying having Stuart, Cherie and little Lois living here with us. Both Rick and I love to watch Lois growing and changing. She is now 4 months old.

Stuart is studying full time. His field is Computer Networking. He is also trying to maintain his Japanese language fluency in case he can use that in the future. Cherie is settling in well and getting used to life in Australia once more. She misses her family and friends in Seoul, but is now keeping in touch by chatting/messaging over her new mobile phone.
 Uncle Cameron and Lois
 Uncle Cam and Lois sharing a moment
 Pa talking to Lois

Rick has been in the wars with a broken rib and a very painful knee, but is on the mend. I have been busy working my two full days and two half days.  I am managing pretty well but I still need to rest regularly. The best thing I've notice is that I can recover after resting. This wasn't the case in the past couple of years since treatment began. This month I know of  three tragic death and a couple more diagnoses of breast cancer. This is a reality check and reminds me of the importance of hanging in there with my preventative medication, despite the uncomfortable side effects.

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