School finished on December 9. I enjoyed the end of year dinner with the staff and even managed to join in the dancing without getting dizzy!
We also went to the special Christmas party at church, which was very enjoyable.
This week I've been really on holidays, with no thought of school ringing me to work. I've been resting and reading a lot, hoping to feel like a healthy person soon! I have seen improvement in the last month, which is very encouraging.
Just some older photos I thought I'd add! Nothing really to do with the blog entry. I'm just thinking about Stuart and Cherie. Cherie is half way through her pregnancy now and is feeling very well. They are waiting patiently for the visa so that they can move here in February.
Cameron, Cherie and Stuart back in 2008.
Amy, Stuart, Andrew, Elizabeth, Philip, Jenny, Janelle, John & Cameron Lamont, taken at Josh's wedding in Tassie. We caught up with Amy last week when she was in Canberra for a conference.
Stuart's graduation.... 2007.
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