It's been a month since I wrote. I've been feeling fairly ordinary ( to use a cricket commentator's term) for months now. I am hoping that the side effects of the treatment will settle down in the months ahead. It seems that they are due mainly to the drug I am on. The joint aches are lessening and the very bad back pain has finally gone. Currently I've been having bouts of vertigo, which is very uncomfortable but not serious.
It's a year ago, this week, since I had my breast cancer operation. I am impatient to feel well again.
In between health problems, we've managed to enjoy some times away. In early October we spent a lovely couple of day with our dear friends , Richard and Jenny, in Nowra. They really spoilt us!
Richard and Richard went whale watching off Huskisson and actually saw a baby whale close up, and plenty of dolphins. The movies are better than the still shots!
Dodge relaxing....
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