Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Celebrating with friends

It was great to celebrate Mary-ann's 60th Birthday in July at Federation Square
 Lee and Greg

Peter and Mary-ann

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Hospital visits in Sydney

Dad had his first session of radiation therapy for skin cancers yesterday. So far so good. He is staying at the private hospital next door to the Cancer Centre and he gets wheeled over to the almost daily appointments.
The staff remember him from the last stay there, in May (I think), and they like his sense of humour.
Dad was relieved to finally start the treatment. He was in good spirits on his return to his private room.

Mum and I had dinner out , just down the road from the hospital. We are trying to do a few things that she normally doesn't get the chance to do..... while fitting in hospital time as well.
The exciting news of yesterday was that my niece Sarah had a beautiful baby boy, Taj the same hospital.
Taj Hugo Peddie 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Something to really celebrate

I have just reached a huge milestone:
On June 17, I had my FINAL check-up with the oncologist! YAY!
He told me that he didn't expect to ever see me again.

A special day for me and it was such a wonderful feeling!

In October it will be five years since my breast cancer diagnosis. November marks the first operation, December the last check up with the breast surgeon and then next April is when I can stop the medication.

I can see the light at the end of this long tunnel.

Mum, Dad, Deirdre and Paul had these beautiful flowers delivered to me, to mark this occasion. I felt very loved. It made it a very special time. Thanks very much!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Dad : May to August & Mum's July Birthday

The month of May saw Dad get really ill with a lung infection. It landed him in hospital for a couple of weeks. I was able to skip work and spend some time in Sydney.
Dad also had problems with skin cancers growing on his head. The specialist kindly looked in on him while he was being treated for the lung infection. This shortened the time to wait, but it has still been a very slow process for Dad to get the treatment he has needed. Now it's July and he is about to start a 4 week course of radiation therapy, as an operation to remove the skin cancers was considered too risky for Dad. Very difficult time for him and for Mum. He spent the whole time in the private hospital while having the 17 sessions of radiation treatment.

Mum's birthday in July : The day before his initial treatment Dad was well enough to go out to a birthday lunch at a nearby cafĂ© with Mum, Deirdre and I.
We had to take Dad for his first radiation therapy treatment on Mum's Birthday ( July3)

Dad at the cafe
Mum enjoying her pre-birthday lunch

Coffee out with Mum on her birthday. Looking good for 83!


 Mum and Dad in August. Dad's treatment on the skin cancers on his head is over and he is recovering well now. Amazing to see! He has survived once more.



Saturday, July 5, 2014

June: Phoebe's dedication, a baby born and more

On Sunday June 1st, we attended Stuart and Cherie's church for Phoebe's dedication service.

Rick and I had a weekend in Sydney and visited the Vivid Festival.

Walking up the middle of George St at Vivid Festival. Good fun!

On June 12th, a perfectly gorgeous great niece, Alice Heidi Parry was welcomed into the world!

Lyndal and Nick : proud new parents of Alice Heidi Parry. Congratulations!

Mum and Deirdre made a quick dash form Sydney to see beautiful little Alice.

It was a very special time for all the family.

Uncle Cameron reading to Phoebe and Lois.