Cameron cutting his birthday cake, with Noah looking on.
I haven't written for a while. On the weekend of July 3 &4 we had celebrations in Canberra for those of the family with July Birthdays: Bruce on July 1st, Mum and Cameron on July 3rd .
Paul & Jeni , Mum & Dad, Deirdre & Paul and Miriam, Matt & Noah joined the rest of the family here in Canberra for the Saturday celebrations. Mum was disappointed that she lost her voice and hadn't recovered from a very bad cold she had had for weeks. Despite her being unwell, I think she and Dad enjoyed being with the family.
In the last month or two, Cameron and Richard have been working on Cameron's kitchen to upgrade the stove top and oven and install a dishwasher and new cupboards. It's looking good!
I am trying my best to manage the fatigue and body aches, that have come as a result of the recent treatment and medication. I have to limit a lot of my normal activities and adjust to a new way of living. This is a big challenge for me. I think a lot of the battle is being able to adjust mentally to my new health situation.
Looking forward to Stuart and Cherie coming this Saturday! They are staying for a week. After we have a welcome lunch for them in Sydney, we are bringing them home to spend the rest of the week in Canberra. It will be so good to see them and spend time with them.