Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sydney visit - June long weekend

 June 8 : We had a great time in the city on Saturday afternoon and evening. It was very pleasant to walk across the Harbour Bridge. We had dinner over on the northern side of the bridge. This was a good move as the Circular Quay and Rocks area was packed with people trying to find something to eat.

 We enjoyed seeing the "Vivid" light show... with thousands of others.

 Mum and Dad have had a new possum house installed as the other one rotted away after 15 years or so. The birds were peeking in , so we think the possum has found his new home.
Mum is glad the possum has found it because it means it won't try to come into their house roof.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Welcome home Cherie, Lois and Phoebe

We were very happy to see Cherie, Lois and Phoebe after their trip to Sth Korea. They were gone about a month, so we had all missed them. They had a marvellous time and Cherie found it hard to leave the family over there.

The girls managed the plane trip well, so Cherie was pleased and relieved.

It took them all a week or two to settle back into Canberra life.  Cherie wanted to stay longer because she was having such fun and we noticed that Lois seemed to miss her cousins a lot in the weeks that followed the trip.

Phoebe had grown noticeably in the time 

 The following Saturday Lois ( who turned 2 years old while she was away in Sth Korea- April 26) came to visit and we had fun together.
 She enjoys swings in the park
 Here she is watching Granddad installing the new letterbox after ours was stolen. Lois loves playing in the dirt.

 New letterbox
 New driveway

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sky Whale and Blue Skies of Autumn

Haven't blogged for a while. Life has been busy. Lots of teaching.
One Sunday morning in May, we happened to see the controversial "Sky Whale" balloon which apparently cost the ACT taxpayers $300,000. The strange shape looked quite serene and beautiful when we saw it at close range.