Thursday, May 16, 2013

Cherie, Lois & Phoebe in Sth Korea

Cherie, Lois and Phoebe are having a wonderful time with family in Sth Korea.
The girls are having so much fun with their cousins and Cherie is loving being with her immediate family. They've had the chance to visit Cherie's grandmother and aunts and uncles as well.

Mothers' Day

 Mothers' Day Lunch at a favourite cafe. Just Richard and Cameron and Stuart this time, as Cherie and the girls were away in Sth Korea.
 Then off to the movies to see Star Trek. Not exactly my choice but I enjoyed it!

 Lovely flowers to enjoy from Cameron

Missing our girls

Cherie , Lois and Phoebe have been in Seoul visiting Cherie's family for almost four weeks. They return home this coming weekend. We have all missed them but we are glad they have been having a wonderful time there.
Have included just a few pics that were taken here in April.