Today has been a pleasant sunny day and Richard and I happened to be home on the same day! We had an outing to the shops and had lunch, as well as doing a few things around the house. Richard is currently working one day a week and I have been working on call, as usual.
This week the work for me has slowed a little. I've only worked one day so far.
I've been working lots ( 3 or 4 days each week) all through the Winter terms. It may be easing off a little, now the weather is warming and most people are over their illnesses.
We have some friends staying with us this week. They are between accommodation only for a week.They leave on Friday for a trip to Europe & USA.
Last Saturday Richard sang in a big choir concert and it was well received.
Stuart and Cherie are well and enjoying life in Seoul. They are in the process of applying for a visa for Cherie and hope to return to Australia to live in February. This is very exciting!
Cameron is on a months' holiday overseas and is currently in Florence. he seems to be enjoying himself and seeing lots of interesting things and places.
I am gearing up for the next check-up with the oncologist next week. This marks six months since I've been on the current medication and almost twelve months since I was diagnosed. That day was October 6, 2009.
It's almost time for Floriade and for the Dragon Boat Regatta. My school has entered two whole boats. I am planning to participate this year, despite a few annoying aches and pains.I shouldn't have these.... being so young and vibrant!